This dance - Niam

“Can I have this dance”? Liam hold out his hand to Niall and gave him a smile.
“Of course babe”. Niall reached out his hand and grabbed Liams hand.
Liam guided the blond boy threw the crowd of dancing couples. As the found a spot that they could dance Liam put his hands around Nialls waist and Niall held his arms around Liams neck.
“Do you remember this song”? Liam whisper in Nialls ear.
“How could I forget. It was to this song you told me that you loved me” Niall answer into Liams chest.

“Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super fuckin' cute
And I can't stand it”

“Well now you’re wrong” Liam saw how Niall lifted his head and looked up to Liam.
“First gave I you kiss and THEN I told you that I loved you”.  Niall smiled and stood up on his toes so he could give his wonderful boyfriend a kiss on his lips.

Save you tonight - Niam

Why do people fight?
Just because they care so much about you
Jag fick en prompt tå tumblr för den här >w<
“I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh”

“Niall please listen to me, he doesn’t care about you. I’m telling this because I care about you”. I said looking into Nialls teary eyes.
“No, he does care, he loves me”! He cried.
“He‘s just using you, when he have had his fun he will leave you”.
“No he won’t”! Niall ran out of my flat.

“It's a quarter to three can't sleep at all
He's so overrated
If you told me to jump, I'd take the fall
And he wouldn't take it”

I can’t stop thinking about him, why can’t I just stop care if Ni doesn’t even want my help. Oh that’s right… I love him… I’d do anything for him but Zayn, he doesn’t even care about Ni.
“I have to talk to Niall again”.

“All that you want's under your nose, yeah
You should open your eyes but they stay closed, closed”

“Niall, open your eyes and see what he’s doing to you. He isn’t what you need. Please Ni look around and tell me what you need.”
“What I need? I need Zayn” Niall told me with a cold voice.

“I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh”.

“Ni you don’t need him, he isn’t good for you. Let me help you. I just don’t want to see you sad”. I reached out a hand and laid it on his sholder.
“I don’t need your help, I can handle things on my own”. He said and pushed me away.

“I can't be no superman,
But for you I'll be super human
I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight”

“If you don’t want my help I can’t help it but I won’t let Zayn make you sad, so I’ll still fight, remember that”
“Yea yea, do what ever you want” Niall turned away and walked away… Again.

“Oh now you're at home
And he don't call
Cause he don't adore ya
To him you are just another doll
And I tried to warn ya”

“Does he ever call you”? I scream after him as he stoped. “Does he tell you that he loves you?” Niall turned around and gave me a sad look. “Does he ever kiss you in public?” Niall shook his head. “But sense you don’t care about what I’m saying, I’ll leave this up for you”. Now it was my turn to turn away.

“What you want, what you need
Has been right here, yeah
I can see that you're holding back those tears, tears”

How is he suppose to work this out without me?
Will he end it with Zayn now when I have open his eyes?
Will he be able to not cry his heart out every night?

“I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh”

“I can’t leave him, not now”. I stood up and ran out of my flat. “Niall? Where are you?”
As I open the door to Nialls flat I found him. All torn apart on the floor.
“Niall are you okey?” I fell down on the floor next to Niall.
“Liam I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you”.
“Shh it’s okey, I’m here for you now”

“I can't be no superman,
But for you I'll be super human
I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight”

“I love you”. The words were so thin and quiet but I heard them loud and clear.
“I love you too”. I smiled as Niall crawled up into my arms. “I’ll never leave you, okey”?

I hate you - Niam - English

He ran. Ran away from the truth.
-Niall, wait! Liam shouted as he ran after the blond boy.
-No! He didn’t want to show how hurt he got from the comment.

About 10 minutes ago:

-Niall why do you have to be such a baby all the time? Liam and Niall stood 6 feet from each others and shouted.
-Well why do you have to be such a dad? You’re not my dad and you can’t tell me what to do!
-I hate you! Seconds after he shouted the words Liam grabbed his mouth as he saw the tears fall down Nialls eyes.
-Oh I’m so sorry then. Niall just said as he ran out from Liams flat.

-Niall please stop. Liam was still running after Niall.
-I have something to tell you.
Niall stop and looked at Liam when he came up to him.
-Niall I’m so sorry. I don’t hate you I was just stupid and you’re not a baby.
-Please forgive me?
Niall looked into Liams brown eyes. Blue met Brown.
-I love you. Liam wisperd.
Niall smiled and hugged Liam and gave him a peek om his pink lips before Liams face went all red.

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